
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

For the real ones


In the year of 2020 , when the world was struggling with the covid , I met a group of girls, not knowing each other well , we used to be benchmates, started to gossip and became the good  friends, these med. students later invented the Bermuda triangle of the college, which no teacher could break in every exam .

With passage of time , this triangle became more bigger, storing more and more love and memories in itself. 

Our personalities changed due to each others company and we got a habit of each other.  Moreover,  this group became more famous and notorious with time too. Because this group had many members of vibrant personalities, 







But all of us were always in eyes of teachers as shinning students 😂.

Time passed and unforgettable memories were made and we lived through it . We cannot imagine how we all would be without each other.

Those people who can just judge each other  thoughts by your one glare were us . 

This friendship wasn't just a relation for me but it changed me , these muffins made me more confident to speak for myself and for those for whom I care , to  those who deserve to be slammed on face. 

They taught me how capable I am , they saw the real me and saw those things in my personality which may be I couldn't discover.  

BUT tommorow I would be proud to introduce a lawyer ,a fighter pilot ,a doctor, an athlete as my besties and I am sure they wouldn't feel ashamed of introducing a psychologist  as their introvert bestie whom thought the domestic and martial issues but she was too shy to listen . 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 My journey till 12th standard, so talking about this journey, it has been filled with many joys and memories. It has always been a roller coaster ride for me , I have never thought it would pass too soon that the coming year I would be an university student.

This journey is filled with leaving my best friends to making new friends ,moving from the school where I started my education to a new one where i barely knew anyone but those people became my best teachers,  best classmates, best friends  and best juniors.  

This journey started with a dream of becoming a fighter pilot and is continued on becoming a psychologist. 

These years passed too fast but the moments are always there deep in my heart. I haven't forgot the rhymes of class 2,

 The new best friend of class3 who is my oldest  friend now 💜,

 The school party of class 4 in which none of my friend was there,  

Sitting on the floor in class 5 because we couldn't see the board form the back and front seats were occupied,

  class 6 the first time writing with an  ink pen guiding others too. 

Class7, a bit harsh class,  my best friend moved to another city but the school party which i am most grateful was in class 7 , for having such beautiful memories. 

The hype of giving board exams next year in class 8 , making a new group of friends comprising  choti, maindak, Kakakhel, Osaka and jako (most of these name were given by our teachers ).  

The best time I performed my umrah . And then class 9th, a short year of school life which passed in a blink of eye and board exams came and then the result,  it's excitement and the curiosity can be felt by every student.  

Class 10th, the shorter year of school life,  becoming the senior most class of the school, the march past in the mornings and every prankish and rougish activity in school was done by class 10 ,

Then we bid farewell to each other .

To all my bachmates, Thankyou for the memories we created and enjoyed. 

Then I got Admission in college,  met new people but those people became the coolest and beautiful hearted people i ever knew. 

Just wanted to say , always cherish the people who are there in your life , create memories, enjoy at the moment and live the life , maybe you won't get another chance. 

Want to thank those people who were there for me ,when I needed them the most,  thankyou for making the best memories we can remember,  thank you for coming into my life , thankyou for everything. 

Dedicated to  my classmates, teachers  of my school and college 💜.

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 We all live in a society in which majority of the teenagers and youngsters have black as their favourite colour. But when it comes to skin colour, everyone's hates it the most .

    In terms of clothes,dresses,hair and all the daily life needs and wants , black is everyone's favourite but in terms of skin colour it's the most hatered colour in people.  In our society, a person with dark colour is disrespected and considered as unworthy and useless ,while a person's worth has nothing to do with his colour,it's about his talent,abilities and achievements. 

    When you start looking at people's heart instead of their face or skin, life become clear. RACISM is one of the biggest problem faced by the ,majority of the world . Why people have judge people by their colour?why they are so much clear that every person having dark skin are terrorist? 

Is considering the black as criminal,terrorist or unworthy a superpower to the white people. I won't say that all white  people are involved in racism , but not all black people are criminals,as all the five fingers are not equal

Children suffering hate and learning hate:

    There's a famous saying "LOVE COMES NATURALLY WHILE HATE IS LEARNED". The black children in school are facing such racism that they are seated separately from the white children and treated with repression and are forced to attend low achieving schools while their mindset is that only white children will attend wore affluent schools . There is always a unique type of connection and friendship between the children of same age but if the parents and the teachers would promote such type of hate and difference in children why won't  the children them grow up into a racist?

 No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin,religion, background,. People must learn to love . If someone can learn to hate they can definetly be taught to love . 


 Human diversity lies form a darkest colour to the lightest colour,From black to white.

A black is also a MAN ,a white, a fair, or brown all are humans,because we all bleed the same blood, we all will have the same dead bodies ,  But regretfully, ONCE UPON A TIME,THERE WAS  HUMANITY. 

In short, we can easily judge a book by its cover.  We judge a person's worth by his colour,religion ,caste , and background while not considering his achievements,hardwork, and the most important THE BEAUTY OF HIS HEART .

Now it's time to change our mindsets and realize because you won't be called a racist,if you judge the people with black heart and won't  have a negative character in the society but judging the the people with skin or colour will make you a sore for the society .

Sunday, February 28, 2021

The wrong perception about pakistan

        PAKISTAN is one of the countries of south Asia . Came into being in 1947. It is famous for its exports and tourism but is also notorious about some things. Many thing in this country need to be promoted. 

Due to some reasons,people among the world have a wrong perception about our country. This misconception is cleared when people visit Pakistan. And it is  totally changed.

It is one of the strongest military among the world and have a key role in the affairs of South Asia. It help the conflicting countries to solve their affairs. In Muslim world it is the largest with respect to active personal and sixth largest among the world .


 Some wrong conception have been put  in people mind ,their causes are 


The terrorism is Pakistan started in 2007 in swat region of KPK Pakistan. Swat was know as the headquarter of Pakistani Taliban . They stopped  education especially girl education in pakistani pushtoons areas and destroyed more than 40 schools.

But a full scale military operation was launched by PAK army against the Pakistani Taliban in 2009 which ended successfully. And now swat is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan. 


The conflict of disputed kashmir started from 1947 when Pakistan came into being . The other part of kashmir known as Azad kashmir was attacked on 22 October 1947 by people of kpk .

 Both the nuclear powers countries fighting over a piece of land ,can't solve this problem calmly . However ,Pakistan took this issue to United nations but may be UN was too busy to solve this conflict which may destroy lives of the coming generations.


The great leaders of Muslims of subcontinent like Quaid e azam, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan,Tipu sultan , Maulana Muhammad Ali jauhar  went against the policies and rule of British due to which the people have a knot in their heart till now. 


The reality is very clear when u visit this beautiful country .


 There are many beautiful and tourism spots and places in pakistan e.g. 




2. Gilgit baltistan 


 gilgit baltistan pakistan

3. Azad kashmir 
 neelam valley, Azad kashmir 

arangkel valley,Azad kashmir 

4. Abbotabad pakistan 


5. Galiyat 

Having less favourable conditions in West whether it matters or not .Pakistan needs to be determined .It work hard to make a positive image in the views of world and remove and clear this misconception .


The meaning behind " HER LOGOLEPSY"

  HER LOGOLEPSY ; obsession with words. origin:    greek word About a year ago, I decided to start a blog  and make it more of a platform to...