PAKISTAN is one of the countries of south Asia . Came into being in 1947. It is famous for its exports and tourism but is also notorious about some things. Many thing in this country need to be promoted.
Due to some reasons,people among the world have a wrong perception about our country. This misconception is cleared when people visit Pakistan. And it is totally changed.
It is one of the strongest military among the world and have a key role in the affairs of South Asia. It help the conflicting countries to solve their affairs. In Muslim world it is the largest with respect to active personal and sixth largest among the world .
Some wrong conception have been put in people mind ,their causes are
The terrorism is Pakistan started in 2007 in swat region of KPK Pakistan. Swat was know as the headquarter of Pakistani Taliban . They stopped education especially girl education in pakistani pushtoons areas and destroyed more than 40 schools.
But a full scale military operation was launched by PAK army against the Pakistani Taliban in 2009 which ended successfully. And now swat is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan.
The conflict of disputed kashmir started from 1947 when Pakistan came into being . The other part of kashmir known as Azad kashmir was attacked on 22 October 1947 by people of kpk .
Both the nuclear powers countries fighting over a piece of land ,can't solve this problem calmly . However ,Pakistan took this issue to United nations but may be UN was too busy to solve this conflict which may destroy lives of the coming generations.
The great leaders of Muslims of subcontinent like Quaid e azam, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan,Tipu sultan , Maulana Muhammad Ali jauhar went against the policies and rule of British due to which the people have a knot in their heart till now.
The reality is very clear when u visit this beautiful country .
There are many beautiful and tourism spots and places in pakistan e.g.