My journey till 12th standard, so talking about this journey, it has been filled with many joys and memories. It has always been a roller coaster ride for me , I have never thought it would pass too soon that the coming year I would be an university student.
This journey is filled with leaving my best friends to making new friends ,moving from the school where I started my education to a new one where i barely knew anyone but those people became my best teachers, best classmates, best friends and best juniors.
This journey started with a dream of becoming a fighter pilot and is continued on becoming a psychologist.
These years passed too fast but the moments are always there deep in my heart. I haven't forgot the rhymes of class 2,
The new best friend of class3 who is my oldest friend now 💜,
The school party of class 4 in which none of my friend was there,
Sitting on the floor in class 5 because we couldn't see the board form the back and front seats were occupied,
class 6 the first time writing with an ink pen guiding others too.
Class7, a bit harsh class, my best friend moved to another city but the school party which i am most grateful was in class 7 , for having such beautiful memories.
The hype of giving board exams next year in class 8 , making a new group of friends comprising choti, maindak, Kakakhel, Osaka and jako (most of these name were given by our teachers ).
The best time I performed my umrah . And then class 9th, a short year of school life which passed in a blink of eye and board exams came and then the result, it's excitement and the curiosity can be felt by every student.
Class 10th, the shorter year of school life, becoming the senior most class of the school, the march past in the mornings and every prankish and rougish activity in school was done by class 10 ,
Then we bid farewell to each other .
To all my bachmates, Thankyou for the memories we created and enjoyed.
Then I got Admission in college, met new people but those people became the coolest and beautiful hearted people i ever knew.
Just wanted to say , always cherish the people who are there in your life , create memories, enjoy at the moment and live the life , maybe you won't get another chance.
Want to thank those people who were there for me ,when I needed them the most, thankyou for making the best memories we can remember, thank you for coming into my life , thankyou for everything.
Dedicated to my classmates, teachers of my school and college 💜.